Build better relationships. Achieve your goals.

ContactDrive helps you build and mobilize your network.

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Connect & Win

ContactDrive helps you build and mobilize your network.

Try it freeBook a demo

Some personal news: Datrmin is now ContactDrive. Same great platform, new pronounce-able name. Read more

Other CRMs help you manage data.
ContactDrive helps you manage relationships.

Easy imports

Import existing contacts from Excel, Google Contacts, Office 365, web forms, and hundreds of other sources.


Powerful search & segment

Filter and group your contacts by activity, transactions, custom fields, even proximity.

Simple integrations

Connect with the tools you love, like Mailchimp, Campaign Monitor, WordPress, and Zapier.

Automate actions

Create filters to automatically segment contacts into targeted drip and retargeting campaigns.

Built-in call app

Encourage your top contacts to take action with an integrated call tool that can be customized for specific events.

Premium data sources

Enhance your existing contacts with social, consumer and voter data from third-parties like FullContact, L2, i360, and DataTrust.

With no per-user fees, get the whole team on board

ContactDrive helps campaigns, non-profits, and professionals build stronger relationships with their supporters and mobilize them to take action.

ContactDrive is built to meet your needs:


Easily track online and offline contributions, create call lists, see call results in real-time, and export lists for mailing and compliance.
Learn more.

Digital Strategists

Automatically sync web form signups, match with third-party data files, segment into lists, then push to Facebook Custom Audiences and MailChimp drip campaigns.
Learn more.

Political Operations

Volunteers are the life-blood of any campaign. Keep your key volunteers, donors, and supporters coming back, then turn them into recruiters to build your grassroots operation and win.
Learn more

(No credit card required)

Integrates with

Facebook Custom Audiences

The latest updates

How to DRIVE Supporters to the Polls

How to DRIVE Supporters to the Polls

As election day approaches, the success of your campaign hinges on turning out your supporters. Here’s how you can ensure your supporters not only intend to vote but actually make it to the polls.

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Harnessing the Power of Summer Interns

Harnessing the Power of Summer Interns

Summer is in full swing, and so is internship season for most campaigns! Summer interns are so much more than just temporary helpers; they are valuable contributors who can significantly impact the success of your campaign, whether that’s on the ground or in the office. Here are a few ways that you can best utilize your summer interns and maximize the impacts that they can have on your campaign and supporters.

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ContactDrive is built to help you build a network to win.

Get Started Today.